Crash Into You (Pushing the Limits #3) - Katie McGarry

From acclaimed author Katie McGarry comes an explosive new tale of a good girl with a reckless streak, a street-smart guy with nothing to lose, and a romance forged in the fast lane
 The girl with straight As, designer clothes and the perfect life-that's who people expect Rachel Young to be. So the private-school junior keeps secrets from her wealthy parents and overbearing brothers...and she's just added two more to the list. One involves racing strangers down dark country roads in her Mustang GT. The other? Seventeen-year-old Isaiah Walker-a guy she has no business even talking to. But when the foster kid with the tattoos and intense gray eyes comes to her rescue, she can't get him out of her mind.
Isaiah has secrets, too. About where he lives, and how he really feels about Rachel. The last thing he needs is to get tangled up with a rich girl who wants to slum it on the south side for kicks-no matter how angelic she might look.
But when their shared love of street racing puts both their lives in jeopardy, they have six weeks to come up with a way out. Six weeks to discover just how far they'll go to save each other.
Desde a primeira vez que eu li No Limite da Atração eu estava esperando por este livro, mesmo Noah sendo um bad boy eu sabia que Isaiah era um bad boy pior ainda e, vocês sabem, eu não resisto a um bad boy! E um bad boy com um coração bondoso e alma gentil, é o meu fim! E Isaiah é tudo isso e mais!
Since the first time I read Pushing The Limits I was expecting for this book, even Noah being a bad boy I knew Isaiah was a worst bad boy and, you know, I can't resist a bad boy! And a bad boy with kind heart and gentle soul, it's the death of me! And Isaiah is all those things and more.

Crash Into You é pelo ponto de vista dele o que nos faz o amar mais, mais e mais. Eu não conseguia parar de ler este livro até a ultima página e quando alguem me interrompia eu queria cometer um assassinato.
Crash Into You is by his point of view what makes us love him more, more and more. I couldn't stop reading this book until the very last page and when someone interrupted me I wanted to kill someone.

Isaiah Walker teve um passado difícil no sistema de sistema de assistência social e isso o fez criar uma fachada grosseira, mas ele completamente o contrario. Leal, generoso e um garoto com coração de ouro, ele ajuda Rachel Young sair de um grande problema, mesmo que ele nem a conhecesse e ele já tivesse muitos problemas por si mesmo, ele não estava precisando de mais um.
Isaiah Walker had a difficult past in the foster care system and this made him create a rough facade, but he's completely the opposite. Loyal, generous and a gold heart guy, he helps Rachel Young get out of a big trouble even he didn't know her and he had a lot of problems himself, he wasn't in need of one more.

Rachel é o tipo de garota com notas altas, escola privada e boa, bem, isso até ela fazer o erro de ir em uma corrida de carro ilegal e se meter em problemas com o tipo errado de pessoas. Mas, bom pra ela, Isaiah estava lá. Agora, os dois estão juntos para tentar concertar a bagunça que ela fez.
Rachel is the straight-A, private school, good girl type, well, until she makes the mistake of going to an illegal car race and getting herself in trouble with the wrong kind of people. But, good for her, Isaiah was there. Now both are stuck together to try clear up the mess she did.

Rachel e Isaiah são polos opostos, mas de uma maneira que um completa o outro. Yin e Yang. Preto e Branco. Enquanto ele é tão bad boy, cheio de atitude e experiente, ela é inocente, quieta e esconde seus próprios demônios para si mesma.
Rachel and Isaiah are opposite poles, but in a way they complete each other. The yin and yang. The black and the white. While he's so bad boy, full of attitude and experienced, she's innocent, quiet and hide her own demons to herself.

Mais uma vez Katie McGarry me surpreendeu, claro que eu estava esperando um livro incrível, mas isto foi além das minhas expectativas. Este é um new adult emocionante e viciante que todos deveriam ler. Mas eu preciso confessar que eu não gostei do livro cem por cento. Infelizmente, tem algumas pequenas coisas que me incomodaram, como o 'vilão' da história, aquele que todos estavam com medo, não me pareceu tão mal assim. Entretanto, os irmãos mais velhos da Rachel foram os que mais me deixaram nervosa, eles deveriam ajuda-la!!! Fora isso, amei o livro.
One more time Katie McGarry surprised me, sure I was expecting a great book, but this was beyond hopes. This is a emotional, addicting new adult that everyone should read. But I need to confess that I didn't like the book a hundred per cent. Sadly, there's some little things that bothered me, such as the 'villain' of this story, the one everyone was afraid of, don't seemed too bad to me. However, Rachel's older brothers was what put me on my nerves more, they should help her!!! Aside of it, I loved it.

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ARC provided by NetGalley to review!

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